What will the fund give grants for? Expand Currently, the grants programme is for everyday wheelchairs and power add ons only, but the Grants Officer can signpost and support with applying to other organisations for grants for other essential services/equipment.
Do you fund sports wheelchairs? Expand No, but the Grants Officer can signpost and support with applying to other organisations for grants towards these.
Do you fund people in other countries? Expand The grants are only available for those who are residing in the UK, either as a UK or EU Citizen, with indefinite leave to remain or with full refugee status.
Is there a maximum you will pay out? Expand Every application is considered on a case-by-case basis. Aspire will rarely fully fund an application so there is an expectation that the applicant has looked for other grant funds.
What happens if I have a compensation claim pay out? Expand Applicants who are pursuing compensation will be required to repay the value of the grant given in the event of their claim being successful or on receipt of an interim payment in excess of £100,000. Aspire will liaise with the Applicant’s legal team once an application has been received.
Will you help me if I have already had funding within the last 5 years? Expand Aspire will only accept one application per applicant in any 5 year period, unless a change in medical circumstances has made the previous provision unusable or the applicant is under 18 years old and the previous provision has been outgrown.
How is payment made? Expand Successful applicants will be required to ensure the company providing the equipment invoices Aspire for payment, payment will not be given to the applicant.
How long does the process take? Expand The Grants committee meets every 6 -8 weeks. Only applications that are complete with quotations, a supporting statement from a clinician and a means test will be taken to Committee.
Is it okay for someone else to complete the form on my behalf? Expand Yes, as long as the equipment is for the benefit of the person with a spinal cord injury. The Grants Officer can also help with filling in the application form and means test.
Who can be a supporting clinician? Expand We would recommend you ask a clinician with knowledge of the equipment you are applying for and who understands your condition.
How long will it take to receive the grant? Expand You will be informed of the outcome shortly after the Committee meeting. Most approved funding is available at that point, but the Grants Officer will let you know if there will be a delay.
Is it just for the newly injured? Expand No, applications are considered on a case by case basis as long as applicants can show need.
How else can Aspire help me? Expand The full range of Aspire's services are available to provide help and support when you need them. Their sections on the website give further information about what is available: Housing, Independent Living, Your Fund, Assistive Technology and Welfare Benefits Advice. Additionally, Aspire has partnered with Back Up, another charity with a range of great services that are available to spinally injured people. Aspire can make a referral on your behalf to Back Up, or you can see everything that they have to offer at www.backuptrust.org.uk.