On 20th July Aspire held its first Patient Education conference for two years.

Held virtually, the event was attended by 30 people from across the UK and Ireland, all of whom specialise or have an interest in Patient Education for people with spinal cord injuries, from nurses and Occupational Therapists to Clinical Specialists (doctors and psychologists), representatives from the NHS national and regional Spinal Cord Injury Transformation programmes and Aspire’s Patient Education team.

Following a welcome from Victoria Mellor, Aspire’s Patient Education Manager, presentations included how Stoke Mandeville managed Patient Education during Covid, educating spinally injured mothers about breastfeeding complications, and an overview of the pioneering research in this field by Cardiff hospital's Dr Ineta Zobina. 

Victoria Mellor presented Aspire’s Patient Education roadmap for the next year and initial findings from their Mind the Gap project.

Attendees said that the conference was extremely useful and that they are looking forward to attending it next year, with comments including:

“I enjoyed the variety of presentations and sharing of on-going projects in the education of patients with Spinal Cord Injury.  I found it useful getting ideas from other Spinal Injury Centres.” 


“It was a great opportunity to share information with like-minded people from across the UK. It's useful to learn what others are doing in their workplace.”

Patient Education

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