I’ve taken part in the Aspire Channel Swim five times since 2017. I find it’s great for my fitness and enjoy the challenge. Having something different to get up and aim for makes the dark mornings a bit easier.

It gives me great motivation to get in the pool with an achievable goal to work towards. I find my swimming improves greatly during the 12 weeks and it gets easier with every session. I see myself getting stronger and my stroke getting better every time I do it. It’s very rewarding and I feel great after every swim.  I also enjoy raising money for Aspire.

I usually go swimming once a month so going two or three times a week for the challenge is a step up. I was never that good a swimmer at school but have improved massively with the Aspire Channel Swim.

There are lots of things I enjoy about swimming. The rhythm, stroke and breathing require your attention, so it really helps clear my mind. It takes over and becomes enveloping. I have found it to be a nice social part of my week; going to the same pool for the same slot there are other regulars who are often friendly and say hello or ask how my swim is going. 

Swimming 22 miles seems like a daunting prospect at first, as it is 1,480 lengths of a 25m pool. But it’s not so bad when you break it down week by week. I write a running total in my diary and it’s surprising how quickly it tots up after a few weeks.  To those taking on the Aspire Channel Swim for the first time I would say don’t worry about the overall lengths, just work weekly and go often. The longer sessions quickly become easier after a few weeks. 

Last year I did the swim in a team with my partner. Having done the swim solo it’s nice to have someone to share the lengths with. We can go together at weekends or before work; it makes it all much easier. It didn’t take too much persuasion to get him to join in!  I think having a goal to work towards and the fitness it brings was good motivation. He also knows I am passionate about Aspire and the work they do. 

I find swimming to be good for my general fitness, health and wellbeing. It also means I don’t feel guilty about eating cake with a cup of tea! 

I will be swimming at Haslemere indoor pool but hope to swim in a few outdoor pools before the season finishes!  I like swimming outdoors because I enjoy the fresh air, greenery and clouds. It makes backstroke much more interesting. I even saw a wren hopping round the bushes this morning!

Fundraising can be challenging at times but when you mention it and word gets out it becomes easier and rewarding.  I tend to mainly use word of mouth to ask people to sponsor me, although I do occasionally post on social media and send an email as I near the end!

My mum sustained a spinal cord in injury in 2006 and Aspire helped her buy a page turner which made a big difference. Technology has moved on now but I know Aspire continue to do great work.  It means a lot to me to be able to support them and other people with Spinal Cord Injury.   

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