Ways to give Where your money goes Where your money goes £10 pays for a set of mugs, ready for that first cup of tea out of hospital. £25 pays for a frying pan set, perfect for making use of the fully accessible kitchen. £100 pays for our Tenant Support Officer for a day, supporting tenants with their plans for increased independence and their move to a permanent, suitable home. £150 will pay for an Independent Living Advisor to spend a day in a Spinal Injury Centre offering one-to–one advice and support to newly injured patients. £280 will enable seven Patient Education Advisors to each spend four hours in hospital supporting rehabilitation and education so patients gain as many skills as possible to help them in the transition from hospital to home, and beyond. £500 will provide a thermostatic temperature controlled shower in an Aspire House to ensure that no one gets burnt, as spinal cord injured people are not able to feel how hot the water is against their skin. £600 will pay for us to fully support someone with Spinal Cord Injury through our Housing Advice or Welfare Benefits Advice services, up to and including representation at tribunals. £1,000 will pay for a rise-and-fall sink or hob in one of our houses, allowing a wheelchair user to access them. £2,500 will buy a special bed with pressure relief mattress for one of our houses. £3,000 will allow us to laminate the floors for easier movement around an Aspire property. £7,000 will pay for the annual training costs for our 10 Independent Living Advisors who work in Spinal Injury Centres across the UK providing guidance and advice to newly injured patients. £25,000 will pay for the fixtures and fittings needed to make an Aspire House fully accessible and ready for someone to live in temporarily whilst they are waiting for adaptations to be made to their own house or are looking for more suitable accommodation. Ways to fundraise Other ways to donate How we help Manage Cookie Preferences