I first signed up to the Aspire Channel Swim in 2010 after seeing it advertised at Barnet Copthall Leisure Centre. I decided to take on the challenge because I believe in giving back and helping where I can.  The first time I did it was hard work but a major achievement.

Aspire is a charity I believe in and I thought I would be able to complete the challenge if I set myself a feasible amount of lengths each time I go.  Swimming 22 miles is never easy but it's a commitment. Some days it's quite hard because my body does not want to do anything and I hate getting into a cold pool – it takes me forever to get in.

I believe in the charity and how much it helps people and I also benefit by keeping fit. I swim for health reasons and find that swimming puts my mind at rest and relaxes me.  

The first time I found it exceptionally hard and when I was struggling, I kept on saying to myself that I can’t let down the people who I’m swimming for.  I kept on pushing to do that extra length and at the end I was so proud of myself and what I achieved for spinal injured people.  The Aspire Channel Swim pushes me, as I try to swim a mile each time I go. Sometimes it’s an uphill battle but I know in the end I gain just as much or even more as it keeps my body moving and active.

It means so much for me to raise funds for Aspire as I have seen firsthand the wonderful work they do.  I know someone with a spinal cord injury and Aspire were unbelievably helpful and so on top of it, totally amazing.  I am very privileged to be able and capable to help them support others.

Aspire Channel Swimmer stories

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