I’m a Slimming World target member and picked up a copy of their magazine and saw the advert for the Aspire Channel Swim.  I decided to take on the challenge because I enjoy swimming and it’s for such a good cause. 

I’ve been swimming for years but wasn’t doing the breathing properly so just before lockdown I had just a few lessons from Nicki, a brilliant instructor. Even coming back to swim when the restrictions were lifted, I remembered and was able to use swimming as a more effective exercise. I swim at least four times a week, usually followed by an Aqua aerobic class, in a fabulous pool at Lanes Health Club in Angmering, West Sussex. It’s an amazing club!

I swim primarily because I simply enjoy it but also the health benefits are so good. I have dodgy knees and being in the water allows me to exercise and strengthen the surrounding muscles. Swimming allows me to either think through things or purely enjoy the sensation of being in the water.  The Aspire Channel Swim challenge has prompted me to focus even more on my swimming and has reinforced my reasons for enjoying it so much.  I’m not a fast swimmer so that’s my main challenge and why it’s such a good one for me. 

I’m totally overwhelmed by how generous friends and family have been and it’s all through word of mouth. I like to talk to them about what I’m doing rather than just asking on Facebook, and that would be my tip for others. 

Jan holding her Aspire Channel Swim hat

It means a great deal to support the wonderful work of Aspire to enable those with spinal cord injuries to achieve their full potential through such pioneering projects. Thank you so much for this opportunity to make a difference. 

Sponsor Jan

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