
  • Employers will be given advice and support to hire and retain disabled people and those with health conditions.
  • To continue to increase the national living wage to 60% of median earnings to 2020 and then by the rate of median earnings.
  • Will ensure that people working in the ‘gig economy’ are properly protected.
  • The current government commissioned Matthew Taylor, Chief Executive of the Royal society of Arts to review the changing labour market and awaits his final report. A new Conservative government would “act to ensure that the interests of people employed on traditional contracts, self-employed and in the ‘gig economy are all properly protected.”
  • The Conservatives propose to introduce a national retraining scheme under which the costs will be met by the government, with companies able to gain access to the apprenticeship levy to support wage costs during the training period.
  • The Conservatives propose to “transform how mental health is regarded in the workplace.” Health and safety regulations would be amended, so that employers provide appropriate first-aid training and needs assessment for the opportunities of “flexible working” and the digital economy will be harnessed to generate jobs for people whose disabilities make “traditional work difficult” .
  • The Conservatives would consider the findings of the Stevenson farmer review into workplace mental health support, and work with employers to encourage new products and incentives to improve the mental health and wellbeing support available to employees.


  • Give all workers equal rights from day one, whether part-time or full-time, temporary or Guarantee trade unions a right to access workplaces.
  • Raise the minimum wage to the level of the living wage (expected to be at least £10 per hour by 2020)
  • End the public sector pay cap.
  • Amend the takeover code to ensure every takeover proposal has a clear plan in place to protect workers and pensioners.
  • Enforce all workers’ rights to trade union representation at work.
  • Abolish employment tribunal fees.
  • Give equalities reps statutory rights

Liberal Democrats

  • The establishment of an independent review to consult on how to set a “genuine” living wage across all sectors. The Lib Dems intend to introduce this living wage across central government departments and their agencies, and will encourage other public sector employers to follow suit.
  • To modernise employment rights to fit in the gig economy and implement the recommendations of the forthcoming Taylor review.
  • To strengthen employment rights, including by bringing together relevant enforcement agencies and scrapping employment tribunal fees.
  • To encourage employers to provide more flexible working as a right from day 1 as a presumption that work is flexible unless a clear business reason exists to prevent it.

If you'd like to find out more about the parties manifestos, click the links below:

Conservative 2017 Manifesto

Labour 2017 Manifesto

Liberal Democrats 2017 Manifesto

Every vote will make a difference, so to bring about the future you want, you’ll really need to play your part and vote on 8th June 2017!