Aspire celebrates 20 years of the Aspire Channel Swim This week Aspire has launched the 2019 Aspire Channel Swim and this year we are celebrating its 20th year. The Aspire Channel Swim is our biggest challenge event and funds raised help Aspire to provide practical support to people with Spinal Cord Injury. The challenge asks people to swim 22 miles (the distance of the English Channel) over 12 weeks from 9th September to 2nd December in the comfort of their local swimming pool. Over the last 20 years we’ve had over 50,000 participants take part and the challenge has raised over £6.5 million to support people with Spinal Cord Injury. In 1999, the first year, the Swim took place just at the Aspire Leisure Centre in Stanmore and saw 54 participants raise £10,146.12. 20 years later, we regularly have over 5,000 people who raise up to £600,000. Although the majority of swimmers in the UK, we have seen participants from as far and wide as New Zealand and the Falkland Islands. Sign up today to take part in or 20th anniversary swim and raise funds to help people with Spinal Cord Injury. Sign up to the Aspire Channel Swim Swimming events How we help Manage Cookie Preferences