Aspire Channel Swim raises £520,000 This year’s Aspire Channel Swim, which took place from 11th September to 4th December, has to date raised £520,000 to help support people with spinal cord injury. A record number of people signed up to take part, with 6,500 people taking on the 22 mile challenge and swimming a combined distance of 5.7 times around the earth. If you took part, please send in your fundraising to our freepost address: Freepost RTJB-EZAB-TCHZ Aspire Channel Swim Wood Lane Stanmore Middlesex HA7 4AP You can also donate via credit/debit card over the phone by calling our freephone number - 0800 0370 880. We do not recommend sending cash in the post. Find out more at Latest news How we help Manage Cookie Preferences