Aspire is delighted to announce that it has been ranked 18th in the Sunday Times Best Not-For-Profit Organisations to work for. This is Aspire’s highest ever ranking and eight places higher than its position last year.

The rankings are determined from the views of employees who provide the responses that gauge the multitude of factors that separate good employers from everyone else.

Questions include how employees feel about the head of the company and its senior managers, levels of wellbeing, opportunities for personal growth, how they feel about their line manager and team members and how happy they are with pay and benefits.

The benefits of working at Aspire highlighted by the survey include:

  • Brian Carlin, Aspire's CEO, ranked 10th in the Inspiring Leadership list, with 76.8% of staff saying they were "inspired by the person leading the organisation".
  • Staff are urged to get on their bikes by Brian Carlin who runs a weekly spinning class.
  • Brian Carlin has an open door policy, always takes the time to stop and chat to staff and presents monthly recognition awards.
  • Wellbeing levels are high.
  • Flexible working options including compressed hours and working from home which makes for a good work-life balance.
  • Employees get free use of the Aspire Leisure Centre.
  • Employees don’t feel under too much pressure to perform well (a 76% positive score, ranking second in its sector).
  • A third of the team have been on the payroll for at least five years, which qualifies them to take two paid days for charitable activities.
  • Aspire cares about the environment as well as people, with initiatives including a cycle to work scheme and a no deskside bins rule.
  • Employees, 22% of whom are disabled, believe Brian Carlin runs the charity on sound principles and senior managers truly live its values.

Rachel Menkin, Best Companies, says, “I would like to congratulate Aspire on their achievement. This year it is encouraging to see that more and more organisations are recognising the value of employee engagement and are willing to benchmark themselves against the best to ensure they are offering their employees the best possible experience. Organisations like Aspire have continued to focus on their employees and have been rewarded with an engaged workforce who tell us that this is a great place to work.

 “A place on the Best Companies to Work For lists is a remarkable achievement and it’s not something that happens by chance. Aspire earned their place by showing a real commitment to engagement and proving that they truly care for and value their employees.  A Best Companies Accreditation shows that your organisation understands the importance of workplace engagement and genuinely values its people.”

Brian Carlin, Aspire CEO, says, "We are thrilled to have been placed 18th on the list this year and especially delighted to be seventh in the Wellbeing category.  It is an honour to be CEO of Aspire and work with such a dedicated workforce providing support to people paralysed by Spinal Cord Injury."

Click here to view the Sunday Times list of 100 Best Not-for-Profit Organisations to work. 

If you are interested in working at Aspire have a look at the job vacancy pages on our websites:

Aspire job vacancies

Aspire Leisure Centre job vacancies

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