Aspire is unable to provide funding, but please see below a list of other organisations which may be able to help.

Alternatively, an Aspire Your Fund is an easy way to raise money to purchase essential equipment and services, either for yourself or for someone you know with a spinal cord injury.

Aspire's Your Fund

Your Fund information leaflet

Your Fund application form

Your Fund agreement form

Other organisations which may be able to help:

General enquiries:

Aspire Law - Emergency Grants

Cauda Equina Champions Charity

Citizens Advice Bureau

Disability grants

Frenkel Topping Charitable Foundation

Gardening with disabilities

Glasspool Charity Trust 

Independence at Home

Lightning Reach

National Benevolent Charity

Margaret’s Fund

The Percy Bilton Charity

Turn 2 Us

Wheelchairs, electric wheelchairs, scooters (some include sports chairs):

Barchester Foundation

The Elifar Foundation (currently not open to applications)

Florence Nightingale Aid in Sickness Trust 

Freedom Power Chairs 

Mobility Trust

Red Cross wheelchair hire


Southern Spinal Injuries Trust

Steve Morgan Foundation

The Hospital Saturday Fund 

Talisman Charitable Trust 

Sports Chairs:

Arctic One

Sport England

Children and young people:

Caudwell Children (under 18)

Children Today

Family Fund (under 25)

Newlife Foundation for Disabled Children (under 19)

Variety Club (under 18)

Whizz Kidz (under 18)


Many industries have help and support available through Benevolent Funds so they may also be worth investigating, depending on what industries you or your family members work in. 

If you require any further information please email [email protected]

Your Fund

How we help