Enderby Aspire House launched in partnership with emh group Aspire launched a new accessible Aspire House in partnership with emh group on Friday 18th September in Enderby. The house was officially opened by Alberto Costa MP and included a tour of the property with the tenant and other invited guests. Every eight hours, someone in the UK is paralysed by a spinal cord injury. For those who are newly injured, where they are going to live when they get out of hospital is a major concern, as most people’s homes aren’t suitable for a wheelchair. All too often, they’ll find themselves discharged to somewhere totally unsuitable, such as an unadapted house or a care home. Unsuitable housing can mean anything from returning to their home but having to wash in the kitchen as they are unable to access the bathroom, or not being able to leave the property unless friends or family are able to carry them outside. Such situations rob people of their independence at a time when they should be ready to rebuild their lives. The Aspire Housing Programme offers an alternative; a temporary, accessible place to live whilst a permanent solution is organised. It might be that someone’s own property is being adapted, or that they are waiting on their local authority to find them something suitable. Meanwhile, by staying in an Aspire House they can be back amongst their friends and family, free to get on with their lives.Local MP Alberto Costa said, "I am very grateful to Penny and George for allowing me to visit their home and learn about accessible housing. I was impressed by the work that Aspire had undertaken along with emh group. It was Penny that showed me around her Enderby home and demonstrated the benefits of accessible housing. When discussing housing policy, in addition to affordable homes, I will have accessible homes in mind as part of our housing needs mix". Chan Kataria, Chief Executive of emh group, said: “Our collaboration with Aspire on this project continues our commitment to providing care and support to the most vulnerable people in society. We are proud to be their partner in providing this much-needed accommodation.” Brian Carlin, Aspire’s CEO, comments: “We are delighted to be working with emh group once again. 89% of spinal injured people are forced to live in inaccessible accommodation after they leave hospital. The Aspire Housing Programme has 47 houses around the UK, including four in partnership with emh group, which are available on a temporary basis whilst permanent accommodation is arranged, helping those affected move from injury to independence.” Manage Cookie Preferences