Each year our fantastic swimmers raise much-needed funds to help people with Spinal Cord Injury, so we launched a blog and a newsletter solely about swimming. Whatever your level of swimming we hope you will enjoy it and find it inspiring.
Katie Maggs’s portraits of older swimmers are persuasive arguments for cold water swimming's ability to help people to live longer. Read more
Former Olympian, Greg Whyte, tells the stories of his most memorable swims, of coaching celebrities and why he believes anyone can swim in open water. Read more
Alice Todd, Co-Founder of SwimQuest, provides the answers you need to know if you've ever thought about going on a swim holiday. Read more
Wonder why everything seems to get better after a swim in cold water? Here are seven reasons why a chilly swim is so good for us. Read more
A five-minute read that will do a lot for your technique. Sports scientist, celebrity trainer and former Olympian, Greg Whyte, gives us a run down on how to improve breathing and stroke. Read more
Andrea Boffo's five top gadgets that help stop those irritating mid-swim distractions. Read more