Joyce Willson - Independent Living Advisor in Middlesbrough Joyce, Independent Living Advisor in Middlesbrough

Joyce has been a part of the Independent Living team for over six and a half years.  She has helped patients with housing, driving, mobility equipment (e.g. wheelchairs), holidays, care plans and life after discharge by offering lived experience and sharing her knowledge.  

Joyce is in the unit each Wednesday or you can email [email protected]

Alex Jewitt - Independent Living Advisor in Sheffield Alex, Independent Living Advisor in Sheffield

After an accident in 1997, Alex was a patient in Sheffield for six months. With 25 years as a wheelchair user, he has first-hand knowledge of the issues and challenges that you might be facing and will be able to provide a listening ear and discuss issues such as housing, driving, mobility equipment (e.g. wheelchairs), holidays, care plans and life after discharge. 

Alex is in the unit each Thursday or you can email [email protected]


Lindsay Liggett - Independent Living Advisor in Stanmore Lindsay, Independent Living Advisor in Stanmore

Lindsay can help answer your questions about life after discharge and direct you to other organisations or services that can help you.  Please ask Lindsay about the other services that Aspire provide and how they might be able to help you now and in the future such as Assistive Technology, Housing, Welfare Benefits Advice Service and Money Matters Advice. 

Lindsay is in the unit each Monday or you can email [email protected]


Cerys Gemma - Independent Living Advisor in Cardiff

Gemma offers support and advice to patients in Cardiff Spinal Injury Centre.  She ensures patients receive the advice they need and can recommend equipment and adaptations based on his own experiences.  He will share his knowledge and provide a first-hand perspective on many issues. 

Cerys is in the unit once a week or you can email [email protected]


Miranda Jenks - Independent Living Advisor in Oswestry Miranda, Independent Living Advisor in Oswestry

Miranda sustained her spinal cord injury in 1986 in a road traffic accident. Miranda can offer a listening ear and discuss any concerns you may have regarding welfare benefits, care after discharge, emotional worries you or your family may have and many other topics.  From her own experience, Miranda can provide advice about employment or volunteering and how she lives an independent life.  

Miranda is in the unit each Wednesday, or you can email [email protected]


Jo Grover - Independent Living Advisor in Southport Jo, Independent Living Advisor in Southport

Jo sustained her spinal injury during a routine operation in 2014 and now mobilises using crutches or a mobility scooter for longer journeys.  Having needed full assistance during her early rehabilitation she now lives, works and drives independently.  Jo can offer advice on a range of issues and can refer you to the many services offered by Aspire and other spinal charities. 

Jo is in the unit each Tuesday or you can email [email protected]


Roy Hawkins - Independent Living Advisor in Salisbury Roy, Independent Living Advisor in Salisbury

Roy has a wealth of knowledge and advice he can share about living independently after a spinal injury.  He will share his personal experiences of care plans, skin management, work, equipment and life following discharge.  Roy can refer you to other services and provide practical advice on a range of topics. 

Roy is in the unit each Wednesday or you can email [email protected]


Pete Lau - Independent Living Advisor in Wakefield Pete, Independent Living Advisor in Wakefield

In 2014 Pete sustained his spinal injury following a bike crash.  After completing his rehabilitation in Wakefield, Pete found a love of nature and photography which sees him accessing wilder places, nature and the outdoor environment which can present numerous challenges to a wheelchair user.  He will advise about these issues and offer practical advice on a range of subjects. 

Pete is in the unit each Tuesday or you can email [email protected]


Alan Patterson - Independent Living Advisor in Belfast Alan, Independent Living Advisor in Belfast

Alan will offer support and advice on a range of subjects which will support you through your rehabilitation journey.  He can provide practical advice and share his experiences with equipment, driving, traveling, self-care and relationships.  Alan can refer you to other Aspire services and provide details of government and charity organisations. 

Alan is in the unit each Thursday or you can email [email protected]


Independent Living

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