Alex Rankin, Director of Services Alex Rankin

Alex did an MA in the History of Cinema and Popular Culture at Exeter University, specialising in pre-1918 films. He has singularly failed to use any of the knowledge gleaned from this course in his career to date. A very short stint in the world of corporate IT convinced him that he'd rather be elsewhere and Alex has worked for not-for-profit organisations ever since.
Alex joined Aspire in 2005 to launch their Campaigning work, a significant new venture for the Charity. In a relatively short space of time Aspire established excellent working relationships with key Parliamentarians and now regularly provides expert opinion on a wide range of issues. In 2009 Alex moved across to manage the Services Team; the department has grown significantly since then, expanding core programmes and adding new services for spinally injured people. This trend looks set to continue, particularly with the current rapid growth in the number of Aspire Houses available.

Email Alex

Andrew Kell, Assistive Technology Manager Andrew Kell

Andrew is responsible for our Assistive Technology programme that gives people access to computers, tablets and smartphones regardless of their level of injury.   

Email Andrew

Colleen O'Shea, Welfare Benefits Officer Welfare Benefits Officer Colleen OShea

Colleen supports the Welfare Benefits Advice Team with admin, day to day case management and completing benefit claim forms.

Email Colleen

Jo Grover, Independent Living Advisor Manager Jo Grover, Aspires Independent Living Manager

Jo manages the Independent Living Advisors and is the Independent Living Advisor in Southport.  

Email Jo

Hari Shah, Welfare Benefits Advice Manager

Hari manages the Welfare Benefits and Money Matters services, as well a working on individual cases to support clients with maximising their benefit income and challenging decisions where required. Hari Buyukertas

Email Hari

Laura Hagan, Housing ManagerHousing Case Officer Laura Hagan

Laura manages all aspects of our Housing Programme, as well as providing support to those with housing difficulties and concerns, offering advice, guidance and individual case work to help ensure everyone has a safe, accessible home.  

Email Laura

Francesca Barrett, Housing Advisor  Housing Advisor Francesca Barrett

Francesca offers advice and support to those with housing difficulties in an effort to access adequate accommodation.

Email Francesca

Elizabeth Deegan, Housing Advisor Housing advisor Elizabeth Deegan

Elizabeth offers advice and support to those with housing difficulties in an effort to access adequate accommodation.

Email Elizabeth

Sarah Crawford, Housing Advice Administrator Housing Advice Administrator Sarah Crawford

Sarah supports the Housing Advice Team with admin and day to day case management.  

Email Sarah

Phil Kelly

Phil Kelly, Money Matters Specialist

Phil provides advice and support to people who have money or debt issues, helping them take back control of their financial situation

Email Phil

Remy Ling, Patient Education Manager 

Remy looks after the Patient Education Programme 

Email Remy

Anita Goveas, Grants Officer

Anita manages Aspire's Grants programme, ensuring people have the wheelchairs that they need.

Email Anita

Michelle O'Connor, Welfare Benefits Advisor

Michelle provides advice and support to people who are concerned about their benefits, or believe they are not receiving their full entitlement.   

Email Michelle

The team

How we help