Corporate Golf Day at Porters Park Aspire’s annual corporate golf day took place on Wednesday 7th September at the beautiful Porters Park Golf course in Radlett. Porters Park are fantastic supporters of Aspire and we have been fortunate enough to hold our golf day there for the last few years. We always receive a wonderfully warm welcome from everyone at Porters Park – so first thanks must go to them for putting on such a lovely day and presenting the course so beautifully - the players love playing it. In glorious sunshine (bordering occasionally on being just a tad too hot!), this year’s teams enjoyed the wonderful parkland course. To top off their golfing experience we had the unrivalled talents of Jeremy Dale who produced a fantastic trick shot show. Jeremy was also on hand on the 16th tee to ensure everyone took part in the trick shot challenge – so tricky that only two out of all the players managed to hit the fairway! Click here to watch some videos of Jeremy in action. First place for the day was taken by our friends at PNC Business Credit, ably captained by Jason Zillwood. We would like to thank everyone that supported this year’s Golf Day in taking teams, sponsoring tees and donating auction and raffle prizes. Aspire would also like to thank David Ralph for speaking about his experiences at dinner, what an inspiration he is. Final thanks go to Trustee and past Captain of Porters Park, David Holden, for all his help and support. Manage Cookie Preferences